Friday, December 1, 2017

4 Reasons My Love For Christmas Runs Deep

Let me start by saying, Christmas is literally my favorite. Anyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes could attest to that. And tonight as I was sitting here watching "Elf" (for the gagillionth time) I started listing in my head some of the reasons this season makes me so happy. Lucky you that I decided to share a few of those thoughts, huh? :)

1) Gifts are my love language - 

   Don't take this first one the wrong way... I enjoy receiving gifts, especially if they are heart felt, but the thing I LOVE most is giving gifts. People often laugh at me because I start my thought process for gifts in the summer. I begin to listen to what the people around me are saying they are needing, things they want, but mostly thinking about a way I could show them they are loved with a gift. I am not a big input person, mainly because I have a terrible memory, but when it comes to presents, I WILL remember something you said from 9 months ago!
  You see, it's important to me that people know I have been thinking about and praying over their gifts. I don't want this gift to be something they just use or put on a shelf, I want it to be something that when they look at it their heart is stirred. I want their gift to remind them of a memory we shared or encourage them in the season they are in. Not every gift is a super deep gift, but that doesn't mean I haven't put a lot of thought in to it.

  I feel so fulfilled watching my people unwrap their presents. And I am so thankful for a holiday that gives me an extra opportunity to say, "hey, you mean something to me. Here is a gift to show you I care!"

2) Jesus is being worshipped constantly - 

  This one is sooooo amazing to me! Every year it never fails to make me giddy thinking about this. Have you ever walked in to a store or restaurant in the month of December and stopped to just listen to the music? If you haven't, you should! There are songs being played throughout the world declaring Jesus as King; honoring Him as the Savior. He's everywhere and it's amazing!

  I do most of my shopping online these days (because duh, it's so much easier! lol), but I will make up any excuse to run to Target in the month of December. I love standing off to the side and watching people singing lyrics like "O Holy Night" or "Away In A Manger". I can imagine where they are in their lives and how impactful those words, that they may not even understand, are going to be in their hearts. It's a great opportunity to pray for them to open their eyes to the truths of what they are singing. It's a miraculous thing. I would even wonder if we did a survey how many people would say they began to feel a stirring for the Lord around Christmas time because Jesus is all around? Things that make you go "hmmm"!

3) People are just so much kinder - 

  This might have something to do with the fact that they are walking around singing about Jesus (lol), but people really are just happier. Strangers will hold doors. They will look you in the eyes and say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". There is a gentleness in the way the world communicates around this time of year. It's so refreshing. And every year I am grateful for it, especially in years where there has been a lot of heartache in the world like this past one. Something about the atmosphere of Christmas just brings out a tenderness.

4) It's a reminder of HOPE! - 

  This, too, probably ties in to the last thought. In a world where there is so much hurt and so many who are lost, this season is a constant reminder that there is still good; that God is still good! When we hear the story of Jesus' birth we are reminded that even though the Father knew there would be sons and daughters that still wouldn't love Him, He loves us so much that He sent Jesus for us. He gave us the option and opportunity.

  To me, this is the most special thought. This hope is something I cling to. Every year as New Years passes and we enter in to a new season, I think of all the good we just encountered. When the world is going to hell in a hand basket, I look back at all the people who sacrificed their time and money to serve the homeless on Christmas day; I think of the people who donated gifts to families that couldn't afford them; I remember the smiles strangers shared passing by each other... and I am reminded, God is moving. It may not look like Christmas all the time, but He has freely given us His joy, hope, and love all year long and we can share it with all of those around us. I am grateful to love and serve a God that really cares about us.

So, this Christmas, look for those amazing, joyful things and celebrate them. And then as we enter in to 2018, try to remember the good and let it be at the forefront of your mind through every situation. We can change this world one heart of Christ[mas] at a time.