Saturday, June 10, 2017

Here's To Health

Many of you read my update a couple of months ago about my health journey over the last couple of years. I wanted to take some time to post a second update and then share some exciting things that are on the horizon in this season of my life. So here we go...

First, I just want to let you know that God is good. I am amazed at His faithfulness, provision and that He still speaks to us. Though He is mighty and the King of Kings, He still wants to just love on us and bless us. He's just so good!

With that being said, if you will recall from my last health update blog (A Journey None the Less), my migraines are gone! Haven't had an episode since those darn teeth came out! And the next part to my healing process was to "figure out" a solution for the pain coming from the cysts continually growing on my ovaries and then bursting. I'm not going to lie, there were a couple of times, even after the Lord did amazing things to help rid me of the migraines, that I felt like the cramping would never go away and hope left my heart. But, like I said before, HE IS FAITHFUL!

I gave up on my doctors because they kept telling me there was nothing they could do and I was tired of going to appointments every week for no reason. So I prayed. And I prayed. And then I had an epiphany (which really was a word from the Lord). I was laying on the couch taking a nap when out of no where I started cramping horribly. I wish I could truly describe the pain it caused when the cysts would burst, but the best way I can try is to say it felt similar to what I would assume a horse with needles attached to it's hooves jumping up and down on the insides of my body would feel like. It's rough!

So as I was trying to find a sitting or laying position to get some relief or comfort I had a thought (the epiphany or word from the Lord)... "what was going on in my life when the cramping started?"

I had never, in this entire process or season, thought about this. And as soon as I thought it I felt hope stir in my heart. I could feel a life changing moment about to happen. So I thought about the timeline (which is not an easy task when you're in pain) and I prayed and asked the Lord to direct my thought process. And I realized that around the time these issues started I had stopped taking a supplement I had been taking to deal with a gall bladder issue. You see I had been taking Magnesium everyday (with some apple sauce) for months and when the gall bladder issue was resolved I decided to stop taking the magnesium. Within a month's time the cramping started.

When I realized there could be a correlation there you better believe I picked up the lap top and started googling the effects of a lack of magnesium on women's health. SO MANY ARTICLES described the necessity of magnesium in women! I could not even believe that yet again it might just be that easy! I clicked over to amazon real quick and ordered some magnesium!

Another thing that was sticking out in the articles was the importance of vitamin D in women's health. I'll spare you the details of what it helps with, but let's just say it helps things flow. And with the knowledge from my doctors having tested my vitamin D several times and explaining that it was almost non existent in my body, I went ahead and ordered some of that as well. I think at this moment I probably cried because in my heart I felt like this was my solution.

I started taking the supplements as soon as they came and within 2 weeks the cramping had subsided. I waited for my next cycle to see what would happen, and described to close friends that I felt like I was kind of walking on egg shells with this process; I didn't want to get too excited and then it fail but I also wanted to rejoice over every little victory. When my cycle came, I cramped but I could feel the difference! This was normal. This was how my body was supposed to be responding. I was nervously waiting for the last day so I could see what would happen next, and praise the Lord, there was no cramping. It has now been a couple of months without unnecessary cramps and I just feel so grateful!

You see, God is still our healer! He may use divine, miraculous healing, or doctors and medicine, or He may just give us wisdom and direction in steps to take to allow healing to happen! But I am so grateful that through this whole process I know He never left me, even when my hope was low. And now I not only get to praise Him for the healing, but I get to share with ladies all the time about what the Lord did for me and offer them a little sliver of hope!

Now I am here, in a new season. And this season is proving to be one of MUCH fruit. Ministry opportunities are popping up all around me and things that I have prayed and fasted for are beginning to bud. I have the opportunity to go back to South Africa in October and I cannot wait for that! My heart loves that country and its people so much. And along side of that, I get to step in to some evangelism around Northern Cal / Nevada with a team of people who long to see the Lord made famous! It's incredible!

Had you asked me a year ago if I thought I'd be at this place in my life right now, I would have laughed at you and then cried. Because I have longed for this for so long, but I could not see past my circumstances. Thankfully I serve and love a God who sees that whole picture where I can only see bits and pieces. He's amazing!

And I just want to say, if you were one of those people who prayed with me, cried with me or encouraged me at all along this path... THANK YOU! There were days when I did not know what was carrying me through, but now that I look back I am certain it was you and your prayers. And with that, this is not just a victory in my life, but also a victory in yours!

So here's to health! Here's to new seasons! And here's to living a life of faith!