Saturday, May 27, 2017

Who Knows...

When it comes to decision making, I'm generally pretty quick to decide. I use my logical brain to quickly weigh the pros and cons, considering how the effects of my decision may possibly change my daily routine or my relationship or whatever the decision pertains to. And I believe that God created us with brains so we could use common sense to make decisions. But I also believe there is a flip side to that sentiment, that sometimes there are choices to be made that require us to not be logical in our earthly minds but to operate in a mindset of faith.

I have heard story after story in the last couple of months of people who had the choice to follow the leading of the Lord. Some allowed fear to keep them from following through and some let their faith lead the way. And there is a common theme that keeps coming up when they share: "WHO KNOWS what will come out of it?", "WHO KNOWS what obedience will produce?" You see, the Lord doesn't ask us to understand what the outcome may be, He just asks us to obey.

I think of the stories in the Bible where ordinary men said yes to extra-ordinary tasks because, even if they didn't understand or couldn't see the outcome, they trusted that God's ways are higher than our ways. I think of David, Joseph, Moses, and Paul... saying yes and probably in the back of their minds wondering what would come of it all. I look at their example to trust and walk in faith, which is not as easy to do as it is to say. 

So tonight, I am encouraged! I am encouraged to think ANYTHING is possible. I am encouraged to say more yeses and to step out in faith and obedience often. I am encouraged to trust the Lord with my path and to think often: "Who knows what could be?!?!"

Because of of this decision, tonight I get to step out and share with you that the Lord has plans for me! So many opened doors being flung wide! One that I am especially excited to share is coming in October of this year! I will be venturing back to South Africa with the wonderful McGregors. The Lord has confirmed time and time again that this trip is something He has for me to step in to, and who knows, the bigger picture could be even greater than I can imagine.

Please partner with me in prayer over this trip and season in my life. And if you happened to be inclined to give or would like to find out more information, please visit the link below. 

Could you imagine what the Lord could do if we all could just put ourselves aside and trust Him enough to say yes? Who knows?!!? ;)