Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Identify Me

Tonight as I was watching some good ole "Fixer Upper" on HGTV a commercial came on that triggered a thought that has now prompted this post. With all the craziness this country, and world, have been going through lately I feel like this is a timely reminder. So let me share the commercial with you: Lezlie's Story

"I do feel like Ancestry gave me a sense of identity."

I felt a heaviness for us, as children of God, our Father and our Creator, not truly knowing who we are and thus not being able to walk in our true identity. There are so many things in this world that we could try to find our identity in: money, relationships, appearances, family, friends, ministries, careers, ethnicity/race, etc. And I find it is interesting timing to bring up the latter two in this list. With the #bluelivesmatter and #blacklivesmatter campaigns growing rampantly as the days pass, my heart is stirred to pray for both groupings of people to realize they don't need these hashtags for them to "matter" because they both matter already. These hashtags represent hurt and frustration but for the most part, it seems that people just want to be recognized and respected for who they are. The problem is that we think "we are ____" is our identity.

Why does identifying as a certain ethnicity mean you should be treated better or worse? Why does putting on a uniform identify someone as being perfect or having evil intent? We're all human, and we're all going to make human judgments and mistakes, that's why! One side says "you don't respect me because of this" and the other side responds back "I won't respect you because you don't respect me"... and we find ourselves in a whirlwind of a circle. Shouting the same hurtful things back and forth. What comes of it? More hurt. More disrespect. More hate. Is that what we really want our identities to be wrapped up in? I want to challenge us as a nation, as human beings, to not accept that as truth!

When Jesus came to earth to offer us a way out of sin and bondage, He knew His identity. He was firm in who He is. He is the Name above every name. And yet, when men were spitting in His face and placing a crown of thorns on His head and eventually hanging Him on the cross He did not say "Don't you know who I am? Don't you understand that I am the King of Kings?" In fact, in His love for us and the humility in His heart He said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do.(Luke 23:34)"

Wow... how powerful is that? Jesus was so firm in His identity that He did not need to call out for recognition or respect in a time when the world was against Him but He called out for OUR freedom! Whew, I need a moment there to process that!

Can we learn from Jesus' example? Can we push aside selfish and prideful mindsets, accept our identity as children of God and love those around us? Can we at least try? The enemy obviously does not want us to know who we truly are and so he will do anything he can to bring disunity and hate.  But I know that the more we pursue a relationship with the Lord the better we will understand our true identity and the better we can love. The more we love, the better we learn to respect each other. And the more love and respect we have, the better our world will be. And I am ready to live in a world that is a reflection of Heaven on earth rather than just trying to survive a world that is hell on earth. It's time for us to let the Lord show us who we are and walk it out! Let's do this!

Lord, tonight my heart is stirred for Your children to allow You to identify them, us! Help us to see who You created us to be and to carry out the love You have called us to walk in. I am believing for a reviving of Your children and a revelation of our identities. May we see each other the way that You see us... not as black or blue, or tall or short, or even loud or quiet, but as chosen and loved. Burn off the chains of hate that bind that hearts of our nation and world and cut off the enemies plans to bring destruction and disunity. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! Amen!!!