Friday, April 29, 2016

When The Earth Shakes

I learn lessons from so many random places... today it happened to be my nail salon. As most of the country knows, California is earth quake central. We often feel quakes happen and after a few minutes of "did you feel that?" being passed around the room or now days on social media, we move on with disregard. It's exciting / scary for a second but once the hype settles it's almost as if it never even happened. Today when our 2.9 quake hit, I saw a comparison and was stirred to remember something that I would like to share with you.

As I sat at the manicure table in my nail salon dozing while getting my neck massaged, I could feel a very content feeling in the room. Women were relaxed and still as they were being pampered and pretty much keeping to themselves. When my massage was over (which, by the way, is always the worst part... they could never massage long enough) I was sitting there soaking my hands in some warm water getting prepared for my nail lady to come work her magic. All of a sudden the chair and desk shook quickly. It was so quick that I thought it must have been a semi driving by. Within seconds the room jumped out of its stillness; and what started as whispers about a possible quake soon became bold reactions thanks to a confirmed news report on the tv. 

At first I joined the other women in the "excitement" but I quickly felt a stirring to just sit back and listen. The women talked about how big they thought this quake was and asked each what was the biggest quake they had ever experienced. One lady shared about how a 7.6 quake she experienced really changed her life and caused her to stop smoking. Another shared about her child being involved in relief work in other countries that had experienced major earth quakes. All of a sudden the ground shaking became a common ground and the popular topic of the room... It brought people together. 

After 5 minutes or so, and honestly after a little snooze on my part, my nail lady came over and started working on my nails. I looked around and everyone had gone right back to their own content spaces. It was quiet again in the room. My heart started to stir, and I even got a little emotional as I felt the Lord say, "this is the nature of man... that the earth will shake with my glory but when things settle man just returns to the contentment he knows." 

"Wow Lord, I was just trying to relax and get my nails done", is what my flesh thought, but my spirit was stirred up. 

I then thought of all the amazing revivals and moves of the Lord I had experienced in my life and heard about and studied in college. Why did these moves end? What causes us to return to the comfortable and become content with it? Jesus even had to deal with this with His disciples in Matthew 26 as He called them to pray, but they slept instead. He warned them: 

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." 

We desire for the Lord to move, we desire to be connected to Him, but our flesh wants the opposite... wants the "easy". So why even try then, right? Why try to make ourselves something we're not? Why not just find a hole and sit in it? Because He, the One who sacrificed everything for our salvation, freedom and healing is so beyond worth it! And, He has made a way for us to overcome our flesh... we don't even have to figure it out on our own, He gave us directions! The Bible tells us in Luke 9:23 to deny ourselves (flesh) and pick up our cross (sacrifice) daily. In doing this we make the conscious decision to see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). And that is the kind of decisions I want my life to count for. 

When the Kingdom of heaven shakes this earth and when His glory surrounds us it is so much more powerful and life changing than any earth quake could ever be. So as His church, as His bride let us not grow content in the mundane of this world. Let us not find solace in the flesh. But let us run the race set before us (Hebrews 12) shining His light and bringing glory to His name. Because if the earth shaking in the natural can cause a woman to change her life, cause a young man to give of himself to help others and can stir a group of women to unite and care about each other within seconds, imagine the transformation our world would embrace from the Spirit of God shaking everything that can be shaken.

Will you join me in praying for a mighty earth shake? 

Monday, April 4, 2016

"To Heavenly Minded For Earthly Good"

Today I had a moment of revelation and freedom and I want to share it...

I want to change this world! I have always had a desire to do something big and it benefit the world. I think I'm not alone though; Michael Jackson said it so well in "Man in The Mirror":

I'm gonna make a change
For once in my life
It's gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right

 That is my dream... to make a difference and to make my life count. I have high aspirations of seeing what is so called "normal" shifted and redirected. But Michael also makes an even greater point later on in his song:

I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearerIf you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change

If I want to see a difference made, then I need to make sure that change is evident in me. Not only do I need to make sure it's evident, but that it has dug itself way down to the depths of my very being and taken root in my core. How do I do that? How do I prepare myself for such change? How do I make this world a better place? These are the questions and ponders I met the Lord with today.

I've heard it said, "Nikki, don't get so caught up in the spiritual that you miss what's going on down here on earth." In other words, don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. Have you ever been on the receiving end of that statement? Have you ever thought twice about it? I hadn't until today.

This afternoon as I sat in the chapel of my church worshiping and praying, the presence of the Lord was so sweet and peaceful. I was feeling so refreshed and just enjoying my time with Him that I had the thought "why can't it always be like this?" I quickly felt the Lord respond with "it can" in the most gentle way imaginable. Then I was flooded with the memories of all the conversations I'd had with people (in the church and out) who had told me in essence to not be to heavenly minded. It's interesting how all this time I had been storing those memories inside of me and holding on to them as if they were truth. This moment quickly turned into a lesson...

What does heavenly minded look like? What does earthly good look like? Were the disciples any earthly good because they loved Jesus and spent every moment possible with Him. And because they spent so much time with Him they learned how to love people and how to release healing and freedom. That sounds like some world changers to me. They weren't perfect people but their time with Jesus was evident in the way they impacted the world.

Why have we as the church, the body of Christ, myself, allowed this lie of needing to have something the world can relate to in order to make a difference to so impact us? It is not truth! People are searching for truth! They are searching for love! For freedom and healing! They are not looking for something they can relate to because they already have that. But what they don't have, we do.

The Father. Jesus. Holy Spirit.

The revelation I had today was that I want to be so heavenly minded that everything I do reflects the Father and releases Heaven on earth... that'd be a pretty big change for the world!

No more hiding behind religion. No more trying to walk the line of politically correct and loving Jesus (side note, Jesus was often not politically correct)! I want to spend my life so engulfed in Him, in His presence that He permeates out of my very being. Not afraid of how I may look to the world. Because if I allow Him fill me up He will give me the wisdom, the right things to say, the love to give. All of those things stem from being with Him, not by distancing myself from His presence.

I want to leave you with this... His presence is all we need! Here are some (just a few) verses that remind us of that:

Rest - Exodus 33:14
Love - 1 John 4:16
Power - Acts 2
Joy - Psalm 16:11
Strength - Joshua 1:9
Protection - Psalm 31:20, Psalm 23:4
Provision - John 15:5

Just as I was encouraged by this today, I pray that you will be as well. I pray that you will choose to break off the lies of religion that try to hide themselves in our minds and in place of that seek Jesus. Seek His heart and be confident to know that in Him this world WILL be changed!