Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Victory in Him

"I wait quietly before God,

For my victory comes from Him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

    my fortress where I will never be shaken."
~ Psalm 62:1-2

I feel like I just need a second to comprehend that first line in itself... Quiet is NOT my forte; let alone add the word that no one likes... "wait"! Geesh, that is quite a beginning statement. Nonetheless, these 2 verses (and whole chapter really) have been a comfort for me these last couple of weeks. There is something about going through a battling season in life that makes you have to decide what the important things are. What are the things I'm going to cling to? Where am I going to find my strength? I'm learning that it's easy to seek out the comfortable and try to hide away from the battles of this world, but I'm also learning there is no victory in that.

The sense of false safety/security that comes from hiding is a scary one... it tends to make us believe that we are better off hiding rather than pushing through. But these verses show me that there is already victory in my life, because I dwell (or wait quietly as this verse states) in the Victor. So why do I need to feel comfortable by hiding away? If I know the victory is there then I need to stand firmly on my Rock. For HE is my firm foundation and so whom/what shall I fear?

Isn't it easy to say these things? But putting it in to action is something all in itself! But we learn; we grow; we stretch ourselves in trust. And I know for me, I begin to release the sense of control I think I need to have and it becomes easier to wait quietly before Him. Knowing that as I wait, He's already in motion... HE IS ALREADY IN MOTION! The God of yesterday, today and forever; the Creator of the Heavens and the earth; the Healer and Deliverer; the Alpha and the Omega... He is already in motion.

As I look all around me and see the storm raging, my boat rocking and fear rising, all I have to do is look over at Jesus resting peacefully in the very same boat and realize He knows. He knew the struggle would happen, He knew how I would respond (which, truthfully, is not all that great most of the time lol) but most of all He knows the victory that will come from Him calming that storm in the end. So when it all feels too heavy, I can crawl up next to Him and allow His peace that surpasses my understanding to penetrate my very core. I can breathe in His truth and cast out all fear. I can rest in His joy and release heaviness. 

And I can rejoice in the victory the lies before me!

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to know beyond my comprehension how everything will work out in the end. Thank you for loving me through my humanistic thinking and for covering me with Your grace and Your mercy all the days of my life! I love You!