Monday, June 22, 2015


Yesterday was Father's Day and all day I was trying to think of a wonderfully honoring post to thank all the men in my life who have loved me and stood by my side. There didn't seem to be any words that were fitting. But this morning, as I was watching dads bringing their kids to school, I started thinking about the roles men play and the choices they have to play them.

You see our ultimate, perfect Father shows us that being a father is a hard job. It takes patience, grace, discipline, peace, love, joy and most of all sacrifice. Our Heavenly Father sacrificed His own Son so that we may have life and freedom in life. He constantly has us turning our backs on Him and yet He is always standing there with arms wide opened. He allows us to make our own choices, never forcing us to love Him; and when we make those ridiculous mistakes, He is there to guide us in loving and gracious discipline. He is THE great comfort and joy giver; and He never fails to be our peace when we allow Him. Obviously there is so much to be said about our amazing Father, but this blog could never contain all those words in a lifetime of posts. 

In reflection of our Heavenly Father, men must learn to step up from just being know as a dad to truly being a Father: one willing to choose to love and guide everyday. It's easy to help produce a child, but it takes depth of heart to choose to father. To those of you out there choosing everyday to try your best, with the help of the greatest Father of all, to raise your children, bless you! Thank you for not giving up on the days that are seemingly overwhelming. Bless you for working diligently to provide not only financially but in love and support as well. You are honored among a dying breed. 

There are many men out there who take it a step further even; not only are they raising their children, but they are taking those of us (who have no earthly father) and pulling us under their wings. If I could shout from the mountain tops for everyone to hear I would tell the world how grateful I am for you. You are not expected to love us; you are not required to care and guide... but you do. You show the Father in more ways imaginable and I am beyond words grateful. Thank you or understanding those days that I am sleeping on your couch; thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for blessing me financially so many different times. For your words of wisdom and discernment! For caring about who will marry me, and threatening to beat any guy who breaks my heart :)! 

 To a girl who grew up very independent and knowing that I could do anything myself, these men helped mold me. They showed me that I deserved to be cherished and that I didn't need to put on the tough face. It was ok for me to be a lady. Often they would make me laugh and many times I would shed a tear with a heart of gratitude. It's amazing really, the choice to love the "orphan" can change ones perspective on the world. 

And to you men, who are still learning how to be mend still trying to decide if you want to step up to the plate... know this: When a man is manly enough to follow the Lord's example and be a reflection of His character in the earth, lives are changed; women are allowed to be women and children are allowed to be children. So I urge you, decide wisely and decide quickly. Allow the Lord to use you in the life of your children and the children around you. It will change this world!

Lord, I thank you for men who follow your lead. I ask that you would bless them and encourage them. Let them know that they are making a difference even if they can't see the outcome. Let those around them honor them and speak life into them. Holy Spirit would you help them to have the strength and boldness to continue to make the decision to care for your children? Let that be a burning in their hearts! Turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. In Jesus' holy name, Amen!

Thank you for all you do FATHERS! <3 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

7 Eleven and Perspective

Tonight I decided to stop by 7 Eleven for a slurpee on my way home (it's too hot outside, don't judge me!:) ). As I was standing in line to pay 2 teen guys walked in and caught my attention. I wouldn't normal have noticed them, but they walked in talking pretty loudly, using every unnecessary word possible. To be honest, I was already annoyed just by that happening. They proceeded to walk into the candy and medicine aisle. I turned the other way and all of a sudden the worker at the cash register takes off from behind the counter yelling at them... to say the least, they had my attention again. As he walked over I saw one of the teens take a package of condoms, which had very obviously just been hidden, out of his pocket and shoved back on the shelf. The worker came over and was saying something and one of the boys said with an attitude, "well at least I put it back, geesh sorry" and walked away... but at least he said sorry. The other kid stood there mocking the man and making rude gestures and comments towards him, being the most disrespectful I think I've seen someone be in a long time.

My blood was boiling.

I wanted to say so much! I wanted to yell at them for being rude; lecture them for trying to steal; correct them for using such ridiculous language... but something in me kept saying to hold my tongue. All of me wanted justice for these two disrespectful boys. As the other worker rang me up I was processing so many things I could have, and wished I would, say. When he finished I backed up, looked at both workers and thanked them and made a point to say I appreciated them and their establishment and they did not deserve to be talked to like that. IT didn't resolve that need for justice in my heart but I wanted to make sure they knew I appreciated them.

When I got in the car the Lord started stirring my heart to pray for these boys. At first my prayers sounded a little bit like this: "Lord, these boys need someone to spank their butts and put some soap in their mouths. Let them get the justice they deserve for the way they are treating others!" But then, I was reminded, what makes me better than them? Only the grace of the Lord. And I started worshipping Him for that grace and His mercy on me. My song sounded a little bit like this: "You are worthy and I'm undeserving. You are righteous and I am not. You're the Holy One, Faithful One, Prince of Peace..." and then something struck me, it's not bad to want justice because He is the God of justice BUT He is also the Prince of Peace. He brings peace! He is Peace! In my mind it is hard to comprehend justice and peace coinciding in a situation like tonight's. But that is why God is God, and I am not! 

So, my prayers for those 2 boys changed a little. Instead of commanding justice, I asked for the Lord to shift their hearts. For them to get a revelation of His love for them. That they would come to see Him as Lord... and through that they would be completely, radically changed. But I also asked the Lord to transform my heart. That my first response would not be that of blood boiling justice, but of grace and peace. That He would help me to see and pray not through my flesh but through His Spirit. And immediately I felt a lift of the irritation and frustration I was feeling towards those boys. It's amazing how a situation can shift in a instance when we ask the Lord to fix our perspective. 

Lord, I know you can draw them to You and I know that they need You! So, I am standing in the gap calling out, saying reach them! Let their hearts be open to You! Let their minds and attitudes be transformed by You! We all need Your amazing grace and so I pray they would find it quickly! And I ask that you would bless my friends at 7 Eleven tonight too, Lord... they need You too! Amen

Monday, June 1, 2015

Dear Future Mr...

  My thoughts tonight are on you. I'm feeling the heaviness of what it is for you to live in a world so consumed by lust and sex. To be a man in a time where it's difficult to live up to your calling. When everyone and thing around you is telling you to just give in to the pressures of this world. The weight of no one understanding purity. My heart breaks for you. 

  The enemy would have you to believe that it's not even worth it to fight... no need to try to stand your ground, because eventually you will fail. But I declare that is a lie and the truth is you can do all things through Christ who gives you the strength. And that it is worth it to stand firm! I pray right now that as you seek the Lord you will find His heart and find that His yoke is easy. Call on His name and He will answer you!

  I'm also aware that there is a great possibility that your past will have some battle scars, or maybe even some fresh wounds. You may have given in to what so heavily tempts... But there is no condemnation in the Lord. His grace is sufficient for you! His love covers a multitude of sins. And nothing... absolutely NOTHING can separate you from His love. So don't feel shamed... don't feel condemned! But let the love of the Father and the freedom of the Lord wash over you right now! 

  I want to tell you that I'm sorry for this world being such a hard place for you to live as a man of God. I'm sorry that we, as women, have so longed for "love and affection" that those became our motive for living. That we dress for the attention; we come across either too needy or like we want nothing to do with you. I'm sorry that we have put so much pressure on you to be something for us that no man can be; to fill a void that only the Lord Himself could fill. 

  Forgive me for letting my emotions guide the way I interact with you, and for letting fear build those walls that keep me from trusting. I'm sorry that those are battles in my life that may affect you. As I pray for healing for you, I pray also for myself! I pray that the Lord would prepare me and remold me before I ever even meet you, so that I can be the woman you were meant to love and cherish, just as I pray He makes you into the man I will long to love and honor.

  I pray that in every area of your life you would find fruit. That your health would flourish. That your finances would be blessed as you honor the Lord with them. I pray that your relationships with your family would find you encouraged and strengthened. That all your friendships would bring honor to our Father. I pray that the Lord would bless you with immeasurable amounts of wisdom and discernment; and that all of your gifts would be used to build His kingdom. I pray that you hear His voice when He calls you and that it would be easy for you to know when He is speaking. May you clearly know His calling on your life and be ready to step out in faith whenever He calls. 

  But most of all, I pray that He would be number one to you... even after we meet. May He always have the throne in your life and may you always live to love, obey and serve Him. Anytime there is a decision to be made may you first turn your eyes and ears to His voice. When a trial takes place, would you look to Him for guidance. And when there is something to rejoice over, may you praise Him all the more. If that is your heart, then I will be willing to follow you wherever He may lead.

  So as I think about and pray over you tonight, I hope that you are near... but if not, I pray for the strength to endure and wait patiently... but also the boldness to not sit by idly hoping you are around the corner. My life doesn't start when you arrive, but now! Now is the time for me to walk in my Father's will. Now is my time to have faith and obey. And the same goes for you! I am longingly anticipating meeting you face to face, but until then I will pray for you often!


                                                           Your Future Mrs.