Sunday, July 31, 2011


The one word I despise (of course who in their right mind doesn't despise the word "wait"??)!! I am thinking about several different areas of my life where I am in a waiting positions... and have been for a while. I think about marriage... I long for it, I am excited for it, and the Lord says... WAIT! lol I am ok with that! I mean don't get me wrong, if the Lord said "NOW" I'd be all on top of that but because He says "wait" I know there is more to be done in me, my future husband and both of our relationships with the Lord! So I will wait...

The next area I think about when it comes to the word "wait" is a job! I have waited over a year to find a job that actually fits everything on my list of wants and after waiting that long here I am sitting and praying and waiting to hear back from the family! Again, I am fine with waiting knowing that the Lord has a reason and a purpose for this time, but it doesn't make it any easier! I was supposed to hear back from the family yesterday, but I will wait...

Then I think about making decisions... any decision! I love to be in control, I know hard to believe :), so when it comes to making a decision  I want it done quickly! However, the Lord is teaching me to "wait" on Him for guidance. The more I learn to be patient and follow His leading the better off I will be and the more fruit I will bear! So, Lord, I wait on you...

And lastly, I think about my friends! I think about the hustle and bustle of life; the chaos that surrounds us! I want to just urge all of us to be patient! Don't rush a plant to grow if the Lord hasn't finished preparing it's roots! Don't rush fruit to come forth in the plant is still in infancy! The Lord knows when, how and where the best timing for everything is for our lives... so trust Him and WAIT!

 I guess those 2 words go together... Trust and Wait! If we love the Lord than we must trust Him and His infinite wisdom! And if we trust Him then when He says WAIT we must know it's for our best... for as cliche as it has become, "'I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future...'" (Jeremiah 29:11)! If you struggle with trusting or waiting here are 2 things that will help: 1) ask Him to teach you how to do these things! He knows it's hard and He will teach you! and 2) Remember where He brought you from! The things He set you free from! The healing He gave you!! The salvation you have because of Him! He is that good! and when you start remembering those things you can't help but stir up that trust in Him and long to wait for the things He has for you!