Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A'camping we will go...

Now that I've had a good 2 days to come back to reality (actually I am not so sure I have ever lived in a place called reality lol) I am going to give you a debriefing of the 1st of MANY Bay Fusion camping trips!!!

  Let's just say the trip did NOT start off the greatest... I was late and I HATE being late. Especially when it's not by my own cause but because someone else is making me late! So I was a little irritated on the way there but got over it once I started seeing the beauty of the trees and such all around. Well, then we pulled into the parking lot and unloaded to start our "walk" to the campsite. Well this 12 minute walk ended up turning into almost a hour walk for Sette and I. We were lugging so much heavy stuff that it took us forever pulling the stuff over the hill on the path. Then half way there we look over to my name being called by someone in a boat and low and behold my sister and her friend are being taken to our campsite via boat while WE carry all of THEIR crap! BOOO lol

  So once we got to the campsite and unloaded it felt so good to just sit in my camping chair and watch the sun set over the lake. We have the perfect place for our tent too... it was probably 5 feet from the lake shore with the door facing the water!! SOOO peaceful! The first night we had a campfire and some worship (which was awesome) and though we were only going to do a breakdown of the weekend it ended up being a time where we were able to pray for each other. It set some high standards for the rest of the weekend.

  On Friday we woke up and had some breakfast and then some devotional time. My friend and Jenna and I ended up sitting by each other right on the lake shore and spent a good 45 mins just reading and praying by ourselves and then I asked her if she wanted to pray together for a few minutes. You know how you can have people pray for something for you over and over again and you still feel the weight of it and then it takes one person being obedient to what the Lord is putting in their heart to pray to release you from it? Well that is what happened on Friday. Jenna prayed over me and it was definitely a heart shifting and weight releasing prayer! Then I prayed for her and it got us pretty pumped up for the day. After that we pretty much just hung out around the camp until the campfire service. Jon (the one who started BF) was giving his testimony for the first time this night and so there was almost this tense expectancy of what the Lord was going to release. He talked about his addictions and such and people were coming up for prayer to have addictions broken off of them! AMAZING!

  Saturday started off pretty much the same as Friday except I sat by myself and just cried during my devotion time. I really hate crying but sometimes it's just necessary. We played volley ball later that day and then they played a game of capture the flag. That night the Lord really showed up around the fire again. Jon spoke about serving and being comfortable with being uncomfortable. THEN we had a DP around the fire... pretty amazing!

  Sunday was our last day together and everyone was pretty much moping around camp because none of us wanted to pack up and leave each other. We had a short little worship time and then took communion together as a family. That was a big unifying moment.

  Shig, the Lord told you right... this weekend was the fusion part of this ministry!!! Can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store!!! :)