Monday, March 21, 2011

5 months ago...

  Man it's crazy how life can change it such a short amount of time. I remember 5 months ago (having started about 3 years ago) I had just finished praying for the Lord to open doors for me. Now I am involved in my church as well as a young adults ministry and loving the busyness of it!!! I went from being at home pretty much all day everyday to being back in the environment where I feel most comfortable, with people and in ministry. I have met SOOO many people in the last 5 months it's crazy. I believe the Lord has really set up some awesome friendships that will be life long friendships and that puts a smile on my face! I look back and think of all the prayers prayed in my room for the Lord to show me the direction to take and how clear it is now!!!
Every time I meet someone new I can't help but wonder what role they will have in my life and mine in theirs. I think about what the Lord will do in each of us and how much glory it will bring to the kingdom!! We wouldn't have ministry if there weren't people to minister to and so I am grateful for all the new ministry opportunities that come around!! I love how the Lord divinely sets up relationships and conversations to bring about fruit for the Kingdom!
  So listen, if you are looking to go on a trip or want to just come visit me you should do it around the 2nd Tuesday of any month. That is when Bay Fusion meets for our monthly service and I would LOVE to have ALL (5 of you hahaha) there to see what the Lord is doing, not only in my life but, in the lives of those all over the Bay Area.

Be praying for me... the Lord is changing me and with change comes a lot of uncharted territory and I am having to learn my way around. He's teaching me how to love unconditionally as well as serve unconditionally. He's teaching me how to have brothers and sisters and making them feel valued and not discouraged. I love this time in my life and so I want t honor the Lord in every lesson as well as relationship!! :)

night folks